I'm a software engineer with full stack development experience.
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About Me
I am a software engineering student who recently graduated from the University of Calgary. I have a strong understanding of technology and work to create dependable and approachable solutions. I am always eager to grow and learn new things. A team player and leader with expertise in problem solving and managing challenging engineering projects.
Here are some languages I know:
Here are some technologies I work with:
Software Engineering @ University of Calgary | Schulich School of Engineering
Sept 2019 - May 2024
Work Experience
Software Engineer @ Data Intelligence for Health Lab
Sept 2022 - Dec 2023
Web Developer @ KMF Ltd
Oct 2020 - Sept 2022
Year 1 (2019 - 2020)
Fall 2019
ENGG 200
Engineering Design & Communication
An interdisciplinary course involving the application of engineering principles, design, communications, leadership and project management concepts through a sequence of team-based design projects.
ENGG 201
Behaviour Of Liquids, Gases & Solid
An introduction to the behaviour of fluids and solids; phase transformations, the phase rule and phase diagrams. Ideal and real gases; equations of state and their engineering applications; simple kinetic theory; transport properties of fluids. Liquid state; vapor pressure; shear behaviour; flow of fluids in pipelines. Solids; crystalline and non-crystalline structure; non equilibrium solid phases; electrical and thermal conductivity; dislocations; stress and strain; creep; fracture.
ENGG 233
Computing For Engineers
Overview of computer systems. Functions of software components: operating systems, editors, compilers. Programming in a high-level language: selection and loop structures, routines, array and record types, text file operations. Introduction to object-based programming: use of class libraries and construction of simple classes.
MATH 211
Linear Methods I
An introduction to systems of linear equations, vectors in Euclidean space and matrix algebra. Additional topics include linear transformations, determinants, complex numbers, eigenvalues, and applications.
MATH 275
Calculus For Engineers & Scientists
Calculus of functions of one real variable; derivative and Riemann integral; Mean Value Theorem; the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; techniques of integration; Applications; Improper integrals; Power series, Taylor series.
Winter 2020
CHEM 209
General Chemistry For Engineers
Basic chemical concepts. Atomic and molecular structure. Chemical bonding. Chemical kinetics and equilibrium. Acid-base and solubility equilibrium. Oxidation-reduction phenomena and electrochemistry. The chemistry of water. The chemistry of energy sources. Basic environmental issues. This course may not be repeated for credit.
ENGG 202
Engineering Statics
Force vectors; equilibrium of a particle in two and three dimensions; force system resultants; equilibrium of a rigid body in two and three dimensions; internal forces in trusses; frames, machines and beams; bending moment and shear force diagrams; friction; centre of gravity; centroids of areas; composite bodies.
ENGG 225
Fundamentals Of Electrical Circuits & Machines
Current, voltage and power; Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws; capacitors; electricity and magnetism fundamentals applied to circuit elements and machines; inductors; topics in electrical circuits and systems; instrumentation; circuit design, DC and AC circuit analysis methods; DC and AC machines; first order circuits and transient analysis.
MATH 277
Multivariable Calculus For Engineers & Scientists
An introduction to calculus of several real variables: curves and parametrizations, partial differentiation, the chain rule, implicit functions; integration in two and three variables and applications; optimization and Lagrange multipliers.
PHYS 259
Electricity & Magnetism For Engineers
Electric and magnetic fields related to charges and current through Maxwell's equations. Energy stored in fields, potential energy, and voltage. Conductors, insulators, and dielectrics. Resistance, capacitance, and inductance with applications to RC/RL circuits.
Spring 2020
ENSF 337
Programming Fundamentals For Software & Computer
Key features of the C programming language. Pointers, memory models and memory management. Manipulation of text files and binary files. Introduction to recursion. Introduction to a modern object-oriented language. Development of basic program design skills with small projects.
Summer 2020
CPSC 319
Data Structures, Algorithms, And Their Applications
Fundamental data structures, including arrays, lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, and graphs. Algorithms for searching and sorting. Introduction to analysis of algorithms. Applications of these data structures and algorithms. For students wishing to combine studies in computer science with studies in other disciplines.
Math 271
Discrete Mathematics
An introduction to proof techniques and abstract mathematical reasoning: sets, relations and functions; mathematical induction; integers, primes, divisibility and modular arithmetic; counting and combinatorics; elements of probability, discrete random variables and Bayes' theorem.
Year 2 (2020 - 2021)
Fall 2020
BMEN 301
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
Fundamentals of biological systems and the application of engineering principles to address challenges in human and animal health. The role of the biomedical engineer in society and in the current industrial landscape. Topics include pharmaceuticals and drug delivery, instrumentation and devices, physiological and biological measurements, biomechanics, the Scientific Method and the Canadian health-care system. Applications may include the cardiovascular, neural and musculo-skeletal systems.
ENEL 353
Digital Circuits
Number systems and simple codes. Combinational logic: Boolean algebra, truth tables, minterms, maxterms, Karnaugh maps; gates, buffers, multiplexers and decoders; combinational circuit timing. Sequential circuits: latches and D flip flops; timing considerations; analysis and synthesis techniques; Mealy and Moore machine models; counters and registers. Introduction to memory arrays.
ENGG 319
Probability And Statistics For Engineers
Presentation and description of data, introduction to probability theory, Bayes' theorem, discrete and continuous probability distributions, estimation, sampling distributions, tests of hypotheses on means, variances and proportions, simple linear regression and correlation. Applications are chosen from engineering practice.
MATH 375
Differential Equations for Engineers and Scientists
Definition, existence and uniqueness of solutions; first order and higher order equations and applications; Homogeneous systems; Laplace transform; partial differential equations of mathematical physics.
PHYS 369
Acoustics, Optics and Radiation For Engineers
Wave motion as applied to acoustics, geometric and physical optics, and radiant energy transfer. Traditional and modern applications.
Winter 2021
CPSC 471
Data Base Management Systems
Conceptual, internal and external data bases. Relational data base systems and SQL. The normal forms, data base design, and the entity-relationship approach.
ENCM 369
Computer Organization
Organization of a simple stored-program computer: CPU, busses and memory. Instruction sets, machine code, and assembly language. Conventions for assembly language generated by compilers. Floating-point number representation. Hardware organization. Address translation and virtual memory. Input/output devices, computer interfacing, interrupt handling and multi-tasking systems.
ENEL 327
Signals and Transforms
Continuous-time systems. Impulse response and convolution. Fourier series and Fourier transform. Basics of discrete time signals. Sampling theory. Discrete convolution. Difference equations and the Z-transform. Discrete-time Fourier representations.
ENGG 209
Engineering Economics
The basic tools and methodology of engineering economic studies. Topics include investment decisions, theory of replacement, economies of scale, externalities, social decision making and government regulation. Examples are drawn from engineering projects.
ENSF 409
Principles of Software Development
A survey of software design and development topics for Engineering students. Topics include: key features of an object-oriented programming language, especially inheritance and polymorphism; elements of object-oriented design; programming and application of common data structures; strategies and tools for testing and debugging.
Spring 2021
ENGG 513
The Role and Responsibilities of the Professional Engineer in Society
The professional duties and responsibilities of the engineer as they relate to society. Ethics and the engineering profession. Public and worker safety and health. Design for safety. Sustainable development. The engineer and the environment. Environmental stewardship. Essentials of leadership. Gender issues. Employment equity. Fundamentals of Engineering Law. Professional organizations. The Engineering Professions Act.
Summer 2021
COMS 363
Professional and Technical Communication
An introduction to professional and technical communication in diverse media. Examines the rhetorical dimensions of workplace settings as well as the process of planning, composing and delivering professional and technical communication for various audiences.
GRST 209
Classical Mythology & Literature
An introduction to Greek and Roman myths as presented in classical literature and art, and to their cultural context.
Year 3 (2021 - 2022)
Fall 2021
CPSC 441
Computer Networks
Principles and practice in modern telecommunications, computer communications and networks. Layered communication protocols and current physical, data link, network and Internet protocol layers. Circuit switching, packet switching, and an introduction to broadband multimedia networking.
ENCM 511
Embedded System Interfacing
Review of computer architecture; microcontrollers and their instruction sets; interfacing using common input/output devices, debugging and other software engineering practices, strategies for interrupt handling and exception handling; Interfacing using high level and assembly languages; software and hardware optimizations to achieve real time operations; real time operating systems; Embedded real-time applications.
ENGG 481
Technology and Society
An interpretive course on the interrelationship between technology and society. The first part of the course surveys significant historical developments within disciplinary areas such as energy, materials, production processes, structures, transport, communications, and computation. Sequence within each area: discovery, development, application, impact, future. Social and economic consequences are also considered. The latter part of the course explores contemporary problems of society and technology.
ENSF 480
Principles of Software Design
Brief overview of typical software development lifecycles. Systematic methods for designing large-scale, quality software. Concepts such as abstraction, modularity, and software modelling will be covered. Designing for non-functional properties of software will be introduced. Emphasis on individual skills.
Winter 2022
CPSC 457
Principles of Operating Systems
An introduction to operating systems principles. Performance measurement; concurrent programs; the management of information, memory and processor resources.
SENG 401
Software Architecture
Software architectures and design for non-functional software properties. Introduction to program comprehension skills including analysis of existing architectures.
SENG 438
Software Testing, Reliability, and Quality
Concepts, methods, techniques, processes, and tools for software testing. The principles, processes, and applications of software reliability and software quality assurance.
SENG 471
Software Requirements Engineering
Introduction to elicitation, modelling, expression and validation of the requirements. Techniques and methodologies for requirements engineering. Applications of requirements engineering to the management of the software development lifecycle.
Spring 2022
GRST 211
Technical Terms of Medicine and the Life Sciences
The Greek and Latin elements of modern medical and life-sciences terminology, with a brief introduction to their history and cultural background.
Year 4 (2022 - 2023)
Fall 2022
INTE 513.01
Internship In Engineering I
Internship course consist of four months of full-time supervised, employer paid work and on-line career modules.
Winter 2023
INTE 513.02
Internship In Engineering II
Internship course consist of four months of full-time supervised, employer paid work and on-line career modules.
CPSC 411
Compiler Construction
Introduction to compilers, interpreters, and the tools for parsing and translation. Lexical analysis, context free grammars and software tools for their recognition. Attribute grammars and their applications in translation and compiling.
Spring 2023
INTE 513.03A
Internship In Engineering III
Internship course consist of four months of full-time supervised, employer paid work and on-line career modules.
Summer 2023
INTE 513.03B
Internship In Engineering III
Internship course consist of four months of full-time supervised, employer paid work and on-line career modules.
Year 5 (2023 - 2024)
Fall 2023
CPSC 453
Introduction to Computer Graphics
Introduction to computer graphics. Principles of raster image generation. Example of a graphics API. Graphics primitives. Co-ordinate systems, affine transformations and viewing of graphical objects. Introduction to rendering including shading models and ray tracing. Introduction to modelling including polygon meshes, subdivision, and parametric curves and surfaces.
Computer, Electrical, and Software Engineering Team Design
Preliminary and detailed engineering design and implementation of an engineering system that applies engineering knowledge to solving a real-life problem. The emphasis is on the design process as it is associated with electrical, computer and software engineering, design methodology, general design principles for engineers, teamwork and project management.
SENG 511
Software Project Management
Analysis of methods, tools, and techniques for software project management as an effort to achieve quality software products.
SENG 550
Scalable Data Analytics
Sources and characteristics of large scale data, i.e., "big data", large scale data analysis, benefits of large scale data analysis to various industry domains, programming paradigms and middleware technologies for scalable data analysis, algorithms that enable large scale data processing, application of large scale data algorithms in selected application domains, e.g., Web user behaviour analysis and text processing, analytics frameworks.
Winter 2024
Computer, Electrical, and Software Engineering Team Design
Preliminary and detailed engineering design and implementation of an engineering system that applies engineering knowledge to solving a real-life problem. The emphasis is on the design process as it is associated with electrical, computer and software engineering, design methodology, general design principles for engineers, teamwork and project management.
ENEL 503
Computer Vision
Introduction to the fundamentals of image processing and computer vision. Image/video acquisition and raw data matrix manipulation; image processing operations and compression methods; object detection, isolation, and classification; 3D tracking and ego-motion with projective transformations.
ENSF 544
Data Science for Software Engineers
Fundamental topics in data collection, preparation, exploration, mining and machine learning will be covered with a focus on software development.
SENG 533
Software Performance Evaluation
Analyzing quality requirements of large-scale software. Performance analysis, testing, and tuning techniques. Evaluating software scalability. Capacity planning methodologies. Issues related to safety, security, and availability of software.
My Projects
Movie and TV show focused web application which allows registered users to rate and comment on different media. Users can also create discussion boards to review movies.
URL Shortener
Web application which allows users to shorten URLs. The system can track and provide advanced analytics on usage about user’s location and visitation statistics. The application is also paired with a public facing API which allows users to securely manage their aliases.
Web-accessible database which can track the flow of traffic in and out of a city. The system can be implemented to preserve the safety of a city during a crisis like the Covid-19 pandemic.
A Java-based application that is used to manage the supply chain of a furniture inventory. The application finds the cheapest combination to fulfill a specific order from the available inventory.
Desktop application which allows renters and landlords to connect. Renters can submit applications through the system and landlords can setup and manage properties. Users are also able to set up a notification for new property listings and send messages privately.
Collections of projects I made in C++ which includes huffman encoding program and a maze generator & solver
Portfolio Website
A responsive and interactive website outlining who I am and what projects I have worked on.
The server can dynamically filter HTTP requests and responses; also contains functionality for blocking and redirecting network traffic.
This project implements client-server applications that deliver diverse services to consumers using a mix of TCP and UDP data transmission services. Each of these micro-services runs on its own micro-server and is coordinated by a "Indirection Server."
PIC microcontroller-based circuit and stopwatch & timer application developed in C, keeping in mind human-computer interactions and power saving.
PIC microcontroller-based multimeter developed in C, keeping in mind human-computer interactions and power saving. The multimeter is used to measure voltage, resistance, and capacitance.
An efficient Sudoku solver which can also generate games for users to play
You may test your talents against my AI or your friends in the single and two-player modes of the game.
Can be used to visualize how liner search and binary search work under the hood
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